Almost everything is brown around here now.
So I thought it might be a good time
to look at some of our autumn wildflower pictures.
We've just set about to name them...
Smartweed? Wood Sorrel

Michaelmas daisies? Goldenrod

We haven't discovered the names to all of these.
We'd love some help identifying them!
I full heartily agree with Richard Louv when he says,
"Giving a name to something is a way of knowing it,"
Last Child in the Woods page 41
Wishing you homeschool blessings,
The yellow flowers with heart shaped leaves are indeed wood sorrel, and edible (kind of sour!), and the purple are New England Aster. I see some goldenrod too. The white ones- Michaelmas daisies?
Thank you so much! I'll add them to my list.
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