Here is a list of books that are on a fourth grade reading level. We've used all of these and enjoyed them.
A Letter to Mrs. Roosevelt
A Medieval Feast
A Pocketful of Goobers
Black-Eyed Susan
Brighty of the Grand Canyon
By the shores of Silver Lake by Laura Ingalls Wilder
Centerburg Tales by Robert McCloskey
Charlotte's Web
Farmer Boy by Laura Ingalls Wilder
Grandpa's Face
Homer Price by Robert McCloskey
If you Lived with Abraham Lincoln
If you Grew up with George Washington
If you Traveled on the Underground Railroad
If you were there when They Signed the constitution
If your Name was Changed at Ellis Island
Just Juice
Mary on Horseback
Mr. Popper's Penguins
On the Banks of Plum Creek by Laura Ingalls Wilder
Pioneer Girls
Ray CharlesSarah Morton's Day
The Big Wave by Pearl S. Buck
The First Four Years by Laura Ingalls Wilder
The Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder
The Little House on the Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder
The Little Town on the Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder
The Long Winter by Laura Ingalls Wilder
The Top of the World
The True Story of the Three Pigs
There's an Owl in the Shower
These Happy Golden Years by Laura Ingalls Wilder
Velveteen Rabbit
The Bat Boy and His Violin
Caddie Woodlawn
Caleb's Story
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
The Family Under the Bridge
Five Brave Explorers
Five Notable Inventors
Mixed-Up Max
Helen Keller's Teacher
Harry's Mad
If you lived at the Time of Martin Luther King
If you Lived at the Time of the Civil War
If you Live in Colonial Times
If you Were on the Mayflower in
George Washington
The Great Kapok Tree
In Daddy's Arms I am Tall
Journey to Ellis Island
The Legend of Freedom Hill
Mayor of Central Park
The Midnight Fox
Picture of Hollis Woods
Sarah, Plain and Tall
Snow Treasure
Stuart Little
The Trumpeter Swan
The Whipping boy
Waiting for Magic
Grandfather's Dance
Caddie Woodlawn's Family
If you Lived during the San Francisco Earthquake
The Anybodies
The Nobodies
The Somebodies
The Borrowers
The Gold Cadillac
How Many Days to America
Lewis and Clark
Lon Po Po
A More Perfect Union
Mosquito Bite
Sweet Clara and the Freedom quilt
Winter cottage
The Cricket in Times Square
So you Want to be an Inventor
Wintering Well (initial graphic surgery)
The Van Gogh Cafe
From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler
Where do you Think you are Going Christopher Columbus?
Forty Acres and Maybe a Mule
Dear Levi
Kensuke's Kingdom
Mr. Tucket
Red, White, Blue, and Uncle who?
Sign of the Beaver
Black Stallion
Susanna of the Alamo
The Double Life of Pocahontas by Jean Fritz
The Toothpaste Millionaire
Mountain Born
As always, you should read any books you give your children first to decide if they are right for your family. Hopefully, our list should make it easier to narrow them down.
Wishing you homeschool blessings,
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Thanks for sharing! I'm writing those down for later.
Lexi-stopping by from the crew
I'm glad I started these list with my first. It sure makes it easier with my middle one!
Hi! I'm visiting and following from the crew. I'll have to get my son to look through this list of books with me.
Hey! Thanks Jennifer. I'm following you now too.
thanks Bethany! I checked this list for additional books to start the year! :)
Great! I'm so glad it helped!
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