To make your own, you'll need:
pouch for the rocks,
acrylic craft paint, blue painters tape, a marker,
and a painting drop cloth about 8 feet by 4 feet.
1) First, I washed the drop cloth and hemmed the cut edges.
2) I measured and taped off 1 foot squares, starting about 3 inches in from the top and bottom. If there was a single square, the boxes were about 1 1/2 feet from the sides. If there were double squares, the boxes were 1 foot from the sides. Each line was 1 inch thick.
3) Next, I painted, working horizontally first and when dry then working vertically. After I removed all of the tape, I went through and touched up any spaces that needed it.
4) Then I wrote in the numbers with a coordinating permanent marker.
6) When you're finished, just roll up. Be sure that the paint is completely dry and that it does not touch the other paint when rolling. Then Store.
Wishing you homeschool blessings,
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Never thought to make an indoor hopscotch before. I like that idea. Would be great for rainy days and winter.
The kids love it. They spent most of Christmas break playing.
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