Micro Business for Teens sent us pdf downloads of Starting a Micro Business ($4.95), Running a Micro Business ($4.95), and
Micro Business for Teens Workbook ($9.95) ~ideal for ages 10-18~ to review.
First Thoughts
Although the kids are not really ready to start a Micro Business, this is exactly the kind of work that we've discussed that we'd like the kids to do through their teen years. An opportunity to start something they've developed a talent for, something to be responsible for, using feasible resources, making their own hours, building confidence in their own abilities.
What is a Micro Business
A Micro Business is one in which the owner is generally the only operator. It requires little to no start up cost, so it is low risk and manageable. It is simple and fast to start up and provides opportunities to learn as the business runs.
What's Included
Starting a Micro Business-Contains information about what a Micro Business is, great ideas for choosing one, common problems and pitfalls, forms for writing a business plan, forms to make a financial plan, and encouragement.
Running a Micro Business-Covers sales (with ideas of how to put together a sales presentation, sales pitch, how to handle payment, and online sales), marketing (including describing your customer and finding a market), customer service (being gracious and learning from customers), record keeping (keeping records and record management, important tax information), book keeping basics and using software to keep books, legal information, risk reduction, and time management.
Micro Business for Teens Workbook-Contains workbook pages that:
- act as a note taking form for the readings in Starting a Micro Business and Running a Micro Business
- provide opportunities for the reader to write about their individual plans right along with the suggestions
- follow along with the chapters in the texts
Additional Materials Required
You would need a pencil for the worksheets and depending on the Micro Business of choice...books, internet access, and people to assist in the different areas (parent, mentor, accountant).
Time Frame
These books are very short reads and are written for the student. Parents are asked to read over plans and find places that may need support or provide alternative suggestions. Individual Micro Businesses would need different start up times.
My Thoughts
This series would actually be wonderful for anyone wishing to start a Micro Business. I wouldn't think of limiting it to teens. Adults that are looking to supplement their family's income by working just a few hours might find this to be exactly what they need.
There are so many suggestions and ideas that I hadn't really thought of before...one night a week babysitting for certain hours and offering a preschool art class are two interesting ones that I think would be fun.
What I like
I like how Carol makes the information easy to understand. There isn't complicated business language that makes figuring it out difficult. It is written for the teen to read and work with. And there are examples of real teens that have started Micro Businesses and run them successfully.
Biblical verse and quotes are included throughout the readings.
"I don't think much of a man who is not wiser today than he was yesterday." ~Abraham Lincoln
If you are looking for a balanced alternative to fast food and retail jobs, a Micro Business would be just what you are looking for and this series provides the information you need "in an intelligent and helpful way."
We will definitely be pursuing these ideas with the kids and I might even be inspired to start a Micro Business myself. There have been many times that I have thought I could do something, but just didn't feel like I wanted to get into all of the complicated parts of selling a product. After reading these, I feel like starting a Micro Business could be something that I would be able to do and really should be doing.
In fact, I've considered making and selling vintage science kits for kids. I made some for Easter presents for the kids and they absolutely love them! I even had a blogging friend ask about selling them. I've thought about self-publishing books, too. The possibilities are really endless.
Wishing you homeschool blessings,
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Click here to read more reviews from Schoolhouse Review Crew. *Our review was featured on the Micro Business for Teens website. See all of them, click here.
Thank you for the review! I really appreciate it.
You're right, moms can start micro businesses too! Lots of adults find my books very helpful without being overwhelming.
You should think about self publishing. I started with a short ebook Teens and Taxes. Now I have 10 books!
Thanks so much for the oppurtunity to review your books!
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