Thank you to Family Christian for providing resources for our Missions Boxes! Stay in touch with all Family Christian has to offer by visiting them: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, tumblr, and Instagram.
There are many lost and hurting people in our neighborhoods, some even next door to us. Our Missions Box Monday idea for this week is to care for those in need in your own community.
Here are some ideas for helping those in need:
- Offer to volunteer in the garden, weed, or do yard work
- Invite them into your home for tea and prayer
Lemon Balm plant and Someone's Holding Your Hand devotional
- Talk with them and if you find a particular need, try to meet it (running to get groceries or to doctor's appointments, etc.)
- Offer to help clean or do another chore that needs done
- Write encouraging cards or letters
- Make special pictures or crafts (kids always make way too much art work for one refrigerator anyway)
- Take something special from your kitchen (breads, cookies, maybe even dinner)
- Invite them over for dinner or a cookout
- Have a game night and share a few laughs
- Invite them to a special event at your church (children's play or Mother/Daughter Banquet or Ice Cream Social)
- Drop off a special gift or card
Candle, card (from Encouragement-Doors of Hope set), and devotional Someone Cares
There are so many ways to encourage those close to us!
Read all of our Missions Box Monday posts:
IntroductionStarting a Prayer Journal
Welcome a Newborn
Recovery Center
Homeless & Homeless Shelters
Caring for Someone in your Community
Food Pantry
Encourage a Soldier Recovering from Injuries
Caring for Elderly
Wishing you homeschool blessings,
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