In his jealousy, the enemy turned from God. After he learned about his punishment, he turned his sights on taking down the perfect creation that was made in God's image. What an absolute revenge, to separate God's dear children from His presence. He set out to convince them that they were missing out on knowledge, knowledge that was easily attainable and being kept from them. Eve was persuaded and ever since the enemy has been whispering lies into her ear. Lies that for generation upon generation has been passed down to her granddaughters.
Beauty comes from God. He gives beauty, He is beauty. How truly overwhelming!
"I will see him for myself.
Yes, I will see him with my own eyes.
I am overwhelmed at the thought!"
~Job 19: 27
This week we are going to talk about Look Books. Look Books are super fun! A Look Book is technically a collection of outfits put together by a designer for marketing purposes. However, you can create your very own Look Book.
By taking pictures of yourself in some of your favorite outfits, printing them off and keeping them in a plastic sleeve, you can easily pick an outfit that fits the occasion.
I find that having a Look Book is particularly helpful when you change seasons. For some reason, I completely forget what to wear from one season to another.
You can choose how to organize the pictures. They can be by season or event (like church, youth group, co-op, bowling club) or some other way. You can even rotate them out, so you can keep track of what you have already worn and what you haven't.
A page in Ceesa's Look Book would look like this...
This is a great way to see what you have and what looks great together. And for me it is a way to remember what I've put together before and what I haven't worn in a while.
Now on to the fashion show...
I wear this outfit for church and to teach classes. Generally for classes, I throw on a matching jacket.
In this picture, the shirt looks orange, but it is really very red. I pair it with a black and white striped skinny scarf and gray pencil skirt. I never would have thought of the scarf and red shirt combination, but my niece (Thanks cutie!) wore something like this once and I loved it. I'm not sure where the scarf even came from, but the skirt and shirt were Christmas gifts.
Ceesa's outfit is another one that was passed down and she wore this one to youth group.
The wide stripes look great alone, but she could also easily match a solid color scarf in purple or pink with it too. She is wearing a pair of skinny jeans with boot cuffs (from sweater sleeves) and a pair of boots she purchased with money from Christmas.
Jo-Jo is wearing another complete hand-me-down outfit. She wears this to church and out to dinner.
Shirts with pretty embellishments and sequins add such a nice touch to outfits. While this shirt was given to us with this detail, it would be a great project to embroider some of your own clothes that seem plain to you.
Portfolio Assignment: This week you can create your own Look Book. Start by putting together lots of combinations of outfits, try them on and take pictures. Print them out in picture size. Then put the pictures into an album. Whenever you are planning what to wear, look through your Look Book and pick one out from there! A Look Book is always a work in progress. So keep adding pictures as you come up with new ideas or get new things.
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