Wondering how to do exams with your homeschooler?
Here are copies of our exams: Example Exams and Daily Schedule
How we create our exam questions: Creating Exam Questions
Year 4 ,Term 2 Exam
Here are copies of our exams: Example Exams and Daily Schedule
How we create our exam questions: Creating Exam Questions
Year 4 ,Term 2 Exam
Literature, poetry, and additional reading: Mood with creative expression
(handicraft, recycled material project, diorama,
cooking, land art, or art media: collage, paint, mold, chalk, pencil)
each of these stories, there is a struggle Midas, Proserpine, Dryope, Venus and
Adonis, Kidnapped (both with Davie’s uncle, the men on ship, and between
England and Scotland) and Othello, Moor of Venice.
a scene from the story that really is at the heart of the matter so to speak and
create something that shows how the character feel.
SS: Government, Citizenship, History, Geography
& Bible & Service, Bible & Service: readings, hymn, and Literature,
poetry, and additional reading: The Greater Meaning (presentation: Defend, Persuade,
judge, compare/contrast, inform, narration)
history there have been conflicts. Some of them are in recent history like the
Indian war lead by Pontiac or the Boston Massacre. Some of them were in ancient
history like the cycle that repeats in the book of Judges, Barak and Sisera,
and Jesus and the rich young ruler. Several pieces of literature that you’ve
read this term includes conflict as well…think about Kidnapped and Robinson Crusoe.
Create a presentation that explains what the conflict is, how it
impacts the people, how the conflict influences future events, and how does the
conflict impact our lives.
SS: Government, Citizenship, History, Geography
& Bible & Service: readings, hymn: View
Point with movement
(play, puppet show, music, dance, video (still,
animated, silent, movie)
Choose someone that you have studied that has been
an example of security or strength at the point in history that they lived. You
can choose from George Washington, Abigail Adams, John Adams, Daniel Boon, Benjamin
Franklin, Voltaire, John Wesley, George Whitefield, Jonathon Edwards,
Philopoeman, and Joshua. Create a play, puppet show, music, dance, or a video
that tells about their life.
Consider how the person influenced those around him/her, what were
the consequences of their choices, what life was like for him/her,
what were his/her concerns and what did he/she do about them, and how were
things changed?
Music: composer, folk song, hymn, instrument and
Art: artist, technique: Characterization with written expression
(narration, proposal, biography, persuade,
problem/solution, instructions, list, poetry, composition)
Artists and Composers influence the people around
them. Considering our artist’s (Jacque Louis David) pieces and our composer’s
(Franz Shubert) works, we can develop an idea of what they think about certain
things and about what they would have us to think too.
Choose one of the pieces from this term and explain
what it is about, what the relationship is to the creator of it, what you feel
when viewing or listening to it, and why you think the creator made it.
Science: experiments, nature study: Action
(Drama, Movement, change) with visual
(diagrams, blow-outs, maps, graphic organizers,
chart, poster, pamphlet)
been learning about lots of different science topics this year like the
rainforest, soil, rocks, weeds, cardinals, plants in the herb fairy garden, and
even steam engines.
All of
these things go through a process or a rather chain of events to transform into
something else. Some of them continue in a cycle over and over again.
Choose one of your science topics and decide what happens to
change it, what the steps are, and how does the change influence the things
around it. Create a visual to explain what you’ve learned.
SS: Government, Citizenship, History, Geography: Background
with analytical expression
puzzle, crossword, word search, code)
Mississippi River has an interesting history and culture. Think about
everything you’ve learned from traveling the Mississippi with Minn. What does
it look like, how do different people live that are close to it, what was a day like in the life of someone that lived on the
Mississippi, what do the homes around it look like, what is some of the history
of the river, and how has the river influenced the people and history of our
Create a game, puzzle, crossword, word search, or code to help
someone else learn about the Mississippi too.
Wishing you homeschool blessings,
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