Lately, I have noticed that there is not a lot of information in our curriculum about Native Americans. I was hoping to find something that would cover the gaps. So I was excited when Homeschool Legacy sent us their Once-a-Week Micro-Study: Many Nations for grades 1-8 to review.
Once-a-Week Micro-Studies are digital unit studies designed to be generally taught over a 4 week period for three 30 minute sessions. Or a family could take a week off from their usual curriculum and have a unit study week where they complete the entire micro-study during that time frame. One family read-aloud is suggested. Creative activities and hands-on assignments are provided. Internet links are embedded into the study pdf and a general library call number is given for additional resources.
Many Nations covers several Native American nations who lived in the United States before European explorers and settlers arrived. Each nation was broken down into many tribes and had their own languages, customs, and ways of life. Many Nations provides some information on the Northeast, Southeast, Southwest, and Great Plains Indians of North America.
Within the study, you will find:
- a brief overview for the week
- lists of tribes in each nation
- questions to establish the objective/goal
- supplies needed for the week
- literature for the family read-aloud: Sing Down the Moon by Scott O'Dell
- map work establishing the boarders of the nations (map included)
- definitions
- fun historical facts
- arts and crafts
- Bible readings
- interesting information
- interdisciplinary activities
- pronunciation for languages
- timeline work
- links to online videos and other sources
- social studies activities
For the most part, the materials and supplies that are listed are basic and found easily. Colored pencils or crayons, craft glue, printer paper, construction paper, card stock, ribbon or string, scissors, 3 ring binder, hole punch, glue sticks, bamboo skewers, tape, cardboard, gathered nature materials (sticks, dirt, pebbles, sand, grass), colored sand or sand and dye, small containers, brush, plastic spoon, newspaper, and a spray bottle. We have all of these materials on-hand around the house already, so we didn't need to purchase anything.
We do not own Sing Down the Moon by Scott O'Dell, but our local library has it and since it is a Newberry Medal Winner it should be easily accessible at most libraries for everyone.
Since the micro-studies are designed for grades 1-8, there is something for everyone to work on in the study. While Li couldn't do all of the projects, Ceesa could work on the more detailed ones.
From Arts & Crafts: Make a model longhouse (week 1)
From History: Make a History Timeline (week 2)
From Geography: Color the Plains region... (week 3)
From Arts & Crafts: Make a Sand Painting (week 4)
We'd recommend the micro-studies for families that would like to supplement their regular curriculum. Families that like to use a unit study approach and are looking for a new study would be interested in Many Nations. The crew reviewed Pirates or Privateers: You Decide, Cooking up History with the Founding Presidents, Victoria and Her World, and Thanksgiving with the Pilgrims, micro-studies too.
Wishing you homeschool blessings,

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