Hildegard Von Bingen Cookies for Good Mental Attitude (Adapted)
5T butter
1/2 c. brown sugar
1 egg, beaten
dash salt
1 c & 1 oz flour
1/2 t cinnamon
1/2 t. nutmeg
dash cloves
1 1/2 oz ground almonds
Cream butter and sugar. Add egg. Then dry ingredients.
Make into a roll, cover in wax paper, and refrigerate.
Slice into 18 thin cookies.
Bake 375 for 8-10 minutes
While we made them, we listened to this video of a piano piece that was inspired by Hildegard's music.
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I love Hildegard's music, and you really can't go wrong with cookies :)
I had never heard about her until this fall. She is very interesting.
We just made these. Baking with four boys can be a little stressful, but after listening to Hildegard's music, things seemed very calm and we made them without any calamities! Thanks, Sarah
Oh I am so glad! What fun! I had to make up a rules for working in the kitchen with the kids for myself. One of them was...there must be a mess. :)
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