I received a free copy of NIV First-Century Study Bible from Family Christian in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions I have expressed are my own or those of my family. I am disclosing this information in accordance with the FTC Regulations.
I have always enjoyed learning about the past. When I
studied Anthropology in college, I knew that I wanted it to be my
concentration. And I have been known to spend many, many hours working on
tracing my genealogy at the library, on the computer, and in the field.
Learning about where I've come from, where my ancestors trod, is a true delight
to me.
And I often wonder what it was like to walk with Jesus. To
see his face. To live in the world that he lived in. If I could step back in
time and be with him, I would do it in a heartbeat.
Of late it seems the good Lord has been bringing more of the
past to light for me. In my studies with the kids, in my Sunday School class,
in the sermons on Sundays, I'm finding a new closeness to the scripture. It
brings so much understanding to me to have insight into the daily life and
culture of the Biblical times.
After reading Matthew 17: 24-27,
After Jesus and his
disciples arrived in Capernaum, the collectors of the two-drachma temple tax
came to Peter and asked, "Doesn’t your teacher pay the temple tax?"
"Yes, he
does," he replied.
When Peter came into
the house, Jesus was the first to speak. "What do you think, Simon?"
he asked. "From whom do the kings of the earth collect duty and taxes-from
their own children or from others?"
others," Peter answered.
"Then the
children are exempt,” Jesus said to him. But so that we many not cause offense,
go to the lake and throw out your line. Take the first fish you catch; open its
mouth and you will find a four-drachma coin. Take it and give it them for my
tax and yours."
I was delighted to learn there is a tilapia found in the Sea of Galilee that carried its small young in its mouth, picked up small pebbles in its mouth, and was attracted to shiny objects. The fishermen of that time, like Peter, would have known
that those fish did just that. Life was breathed into that passage for me.
I recently read that Winston Churchill was quoted as saying,
"The greatest advances in human
civilization have come when we recovered what we had lost; when we learned the
lessons of history."
Isn’t that so true. Understanding the past, helps us
understand the present. That is why I'm so excited to have the opportunity to
review the NIV First-Century Study Bible. It is packed with information that gives me perspective on the
people, the times, and the culture into which God chose to breathe his word for
all times.
We are at a unique time in human history. We have the benefit
of a compilation of sources that provide information about the past in a way
that has never been before. And while the scriptures in the original context
and culture do not change, our understandings of them can be much, much deeper.
While our lack of understanding the culture and times of
Biblical events never will stop God, in his goodness, from revealing himself to
us from the scriptures in a way that is unique and personal to each of us when
we delve in his word, we now have the opportunity to study the scripture with a
new depth of knowledge.
Do you ever feel like you are missing something? That there
is a gap in the context of the scripture with what you are taking away from your
study? Do you want to know more?
You can get your very own copy of NIV First-Century Study Bible: Experience Scripture Through the Eyes of a First-Century Disciple here.
NIV First-Century Study Bible has color pictures,
word study,
textual articles,
day in the life articles,
explanation of ancient texts,
chronology time lines,
detailed introductions,
and study notes.
In our homeschool, we have begun using the NIV First-Century Study Bible for reference with Ceesa's Bible readings. She has started reading through the Bible one book at a time. Before she begins a new book, we will read about the book together, look at the maps, and use the information to get deeper knowledge of the book, culture, time, and people.
Family Christian has generously offered to giveaway one for free to our readers.
Family Christian has generously offered to giveaway one for free to our readers.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Wishing you homeschool blessings,
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I love History, so this looks wonderful!
Me too! :)
Bethany--what a beautiful, amazing Bible! What a treasure to use this with our children! :)
The color pictures are truly lovely.
I would love to own this Bible because we could use another home Bible for my boys to study out of. We each have our own to carry, but it would be nice to have an NIV version for our living room, where it's within easy reach for quick look-ups.
This would make a beautiful Bible for your living room for reference!
I would love this because I love History and I love the Bible
There is so much lost because I don't understand the way things were when Jesus walked the earth. I'd love to see some of those things explained as I read.
Two great combinations.
I totally agree!
My husband and I are both experiencing bad eyesight (getting older!!) and we can't share our Bible at church anymore. We both need to have it closer to our eyes.
You can never have too many Bibles!
I love history, and especially Biblical history. This would be such a great study Bible!
We've really enjoyed the articles and histories!
I love learning the "why" behind things, so this sounds like it would be really great to provide more context!
I want to give it to my Dad.
It would make a beautiful gift!
Kelly... :)
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